Baldness is a common condition in men, but that doesn’t make it any less devastating. Yes, almost 2/3rds of men will experience at least some form of baldness in their lifetime, but that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow. While baldness is common, it’s important to be aware of how and why men lose their hair. Excessive hair loss, for example, is a key sign that there’s something wrong. Similarly, knowing the causes behind hair loss can actually help you minimise it and prepare for it. 

If your hair loss is a side effect, for example, you can contact us today, and we can help you get to the bottom of the cause, so you can reclaim your confidence and your hair. Otherwise, we can help you understand what options work and which ones are a waste of time. There are many causes of hair loss, including:

1. Genetics

Unfortunately, the most common cause behind hair loss is simple genetics. This condition, known as male pattern baldness or alopecia, affects millions worldwide. What happens for those with this condition is simply that the hair follicles become sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that shrinks hair follicles until they eventually stop producing hair. This type of baldness usually starts as a receding hairline and then as thinning on the top of the head and continues from there. 

2. Hormonal Changes

A hormonal change also leads to hair loss. The male hormone testosterone is converted into DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. High levels of DHT can lead to hair loss. Hormonal changes can occur due to aging, stress, medication, or underlying medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

3. Nutritional Deficiencies

If your diet is missing essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and protein, then this can lead to hair thinning and baldness. Iron, for example, is a key element in hemoglobin production, which carries oxygen to the hair follicles. Zinc is also important as it helps produce keratin, the protein that makes up hair. Protein is essential for hair growth and repair.

4. Medications

Some medications and treatments do cause hair loss. Chemotherapy, for example, is well known for causing hair loss. Blood thinners can also result in hair loss, and the same applies to antidepressants and high blood pressure medication. If you are losing hair and are taking medication, then get in touch with our staff here. You can even book online GP appointments to consult medical experts around your schedule, meaning you’ll have more opportunities to get down to the bottom of your sudden hair loss.

5. Stress

Stress is a common cause of hair loss in men. Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and inflammation, which can all contribute to hair loss. Stress can also cause men to pull their hair out, a condition known as trichotillomania. So, if you’ve noticed temporary hair loss following a stressful event, know that the issue will likely sort itself out. If you continue to notice hair loss and other symptoms, however, get in touch with us.

6. Infections

An infection can also result in hair loss. Fungal infections such as ringworm can cause hair to fall out in patches. Bacterial infections can also cause inflammation and scarring, leading to hair loss. If you think that you may have a scalp infection, it’s important to see a doctor for treatment.

When Should I Speak with a Doctor?

If you suspect you may have baldness, speak to your general practitioner about your symptoms! They will be able to look at your medical records and use their knowledge t to determine the cause of your symptoms.

If you think you may be suffering from baldness and this is causing destress, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor immediately as treatment options are available for some causes of baldness.

This article is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Speak to a doctor if you have any questions about a medical condition without any delay.