Early symptoms of high blood pressure


Written by tapGP Clinical Team

10 November 2023

High blood pressure, known medically as hypertension, is a widespread health concern that often goes unnoticed due to its subtle symptoms. However, its impact on health can be significant, making understanding and managing this condition very important.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a measurement indicating the force of circulating blood against the walls of arteries. It’s an important indicator of heart health, showing how hard your heart needs to work to pump blood throughout your body. Normal blood pressure is typically around 120/80 mmHg, but this can fluctuate based on various factors, including stress, activity levels, and overall health.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure occurs when the force exerted by the blood against artery walls is consistently too high. Over time, this increased pressure can cause damage to the walls of the arteries, leading to heart disease, stroke, and other blood vessel problems. High blood pressure is particularly subtle because it often develops without any symptoms, allowing the condition to progress unnoticed.

Why early detection is important

Detecting high blood pressure early is vital for preventing these severe health issues. Unmanaged high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and kidney disease, among other complications. Early detection enables you to take proactive steps to manage your condition, reducing the risk of these life-threatening problems.

What are the early symptoms of high blood pressure?

While many people with high blood pressure experience no symptoms, some early signs can include:

  • Headaches: Recurring, unexplained headaches can be an early warning sign.
  • Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing or feeling out of breath after minimal physical exertion.
  • Nosebleeds: Frequent nosebleeds may occasionally indicate high blood pressure.
  • Flushed face: Regular instances of a red or flushed face.
  • Dizziness: Experiences of dizziness or light-headedness could be related to blood pressure changes.

Other signs to be aware of

Beyond these symptoms, other symptoms of high blood pressure can be blurred vision, chest pain, or heart palpitations. However, these can also be symptoms of other health issues, emphasising the importance of consulting a GP for an accurate diagnosis.

What are the risk factors for high blood pressure?

Several lifestyle and genetic factors can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. These include:

  • Obesity: Extra body weight increases the strain on the heart and arteries.
  • Smoking: Smoking damages blood vessels and can raise blood pressure.
  • High sodium diet: Excessive salt intake can cause fluid retention, increasing blood pressure.
  • Physical inactivity: A sedentary lifestyle contributes to weaker heart health and poorer circulation.
  • Stress: Prolonged stress can cause temporary spikes in blood pressure and has long-term health implications.

Making lifestyle changes

Managing high blood pressure typically involves significant lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Increasing physical activity: Regular exercise, including aerobic and strength-training activities, strengthens the heart and improves circulation.
  • Having a heart-healthy diet: Emphasising a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Reducing the intake of processed foods, saturated fats, and sugars is also key.
  • Limiting salt and alcohol: Moderating salt and alcohol consumption can effectively lower blood pressure.
  • Quitting smoking: Smoking cessation significantly improves heart health.
  • Stress management: Using relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and ensuring adequate sleep are important for managing stress and its effects on blood pressure.

Monitoring your blood pressure at home

Home monitoring of blood pressure is an effective way to keep track of your blood pressure levels. Using a clinically validated monitor, you can take regular readings under consistent conditions, such as at the same time each day while seated in a relaxed position. This data can be helpful for your GP in diagnosing and managing high blood pressure.

Understanding treatment options

Medication may be necessary when lifestyle changes alone are not enough to control blood pressure. Medications used in treating high blood pressure include:

  • ACE inhibitors and ARBs: These help relax blood vessels and decrease blood volume, reducing the workload on the heart.
  • Beta-blockers: Lower heart rate and decrease the amount of blood pumped with each beat.
  • Diuretics: Commonly known as “water tablets,” these help the body eliminate excess sodium and water, reducing blood pressure.
  • Calcium channel blockers: Relax the muscles of the blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood.

The choice of medication will depend on your individual health profile and any existing medical conditions.

Taking high blood pressure medication properly

Taking prescribed medications consistently and as directed is vital for effective blood pressure control. Irregular use or abrupt discontinuation can result in uncontrolled high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Exploring natural remedies

Some people explore natural remedies and supplements to help in blood pressure control. These include herbal remedies, omega-3 fatty acids, and mineral supplements like magnesium and potassium. It’s essential to discuss these options with a GP to ensure they are safe and effective for your specific health needs.

The importance of regular health check-ups

Regular check-ups with a GP are crucial for managing high blood pressure. These appointments allow for ongoing monitoring of blood pressure levels, adjustments to treatment plans, and discussions regarding any new or persisting symptoms.

Living with high blood pressure

Managing high blood pressure is a lifelong commitment. It involves regular monitoring, adherence to treatment plans, and ongoing lifestyle adjustments. Staying informed and working closely with a GP are key to successfully managing high blood pressure and maintaining good health.


Understanding high blood pressure is important to manage and prevent serious health complications. By staying informed, making lifestyle changes, adhering to medication regimens, and maintaining regular GP appointments, you can successfully manage your blood pressure and lead a healthy, active life.


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